祕密愛 (Secret Love)
【主演】特勒·馬蒂蒙·斯里布恩魯昂 / 弗斯灣·皖納功·若昂戈拉特 / 查諾崇·布恩瑪納翁 / 維沙魯·蘇威尼基 / Jay Jira Yangyeun
【類型】泰劇 / 劇情 / 短片 / 同性
【主演】特勒·馬蒂蒙·斯里布恩魯昂 / 弗斯灣·皖納功·若昂戈拉特 / 查諾崇·布恩瑪納翁 / 維沙魯·蘇威尼基 / Jay Jira Yangyeun
【類型】泰劇 / 劇情 / 短片 / 同性
《祕密愛》:又名Secret Love。Qustory將與BeBraveHub合作製作一部迷你劇集,主演爲Domundis Firstone和Tle。
當安只有十一歲時,他和他的父母遭遇了一場事故,奪去了安的生命,但安卻倖免於難。隨後,他被父母的朋友兼執行長顧浩偉收養。安當時和他暗戀的金住在同一屋簷下。在安和金無意中聽到安繼承公司的問題發生爭執後,金開始不理他並選擇去美國上學。安當然知道原因,心中愧疚不已。多年後,金回來並與安就讀同一所大學。一直以來,金的嫉妒心驅使他對深愛已久的安使用武力。知道真相後,金避免面對他,因爲他的父親對安童年的事故負有責任。 ~~改編自JW的網絡小說《祕密愛》
Qustory in collaboration with BeBraveHub will be producing a mini series starring Domundis Firstone and Tle.
When An was only eleven, he and his parents were in an accident that took their lives but spared An. He was then adopted by Gu Hao Wei, a CEO and friend of his parents. An was then living under the same roof as his crush Jin. Sometime after An and Jin overheard an argument over An inheriting the company, Jin began to ignore him and chose to go to school in America. Sure he knew the reason, An felt guilty.
Years later, Jin returns and attends the same university as An. Still at odds and fighting all the time, Jin's jealousy drives him to use force with An, who he's long been in love with. Knowing the truth—that his father had been responsible for An's childhood accident—Jin has avoided facing him.
~~ Adapted from the web novel "Secret Love" (祕密愛) by J.W.